Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Obsession with the Unexpected

To be obsessed with something is to have an absolute undying passion for whatever that something is. So instead of quickly deciding to write either about baseball or eating or Star Wars, which are like the 3 great loves I have in this world, I decided to delve a little deeper into the inner-sanctum of my mind and uncover another obsession of mine. It didn’t take too long for me to realize that I also have a passion for adventure. No matter what it is that I wind up doing on any given day, I crave excitement. Fortunately, for me, I have no problem at all finding it. From the moment I was born, I like to believe that I was graced with the ability to look at something from an extremely different angle than most other people. Constantly, I’ve found ways to do something out of the ordinary from most people. I am a trailblazer.

Image result for party busYes, this obsession with the unordinary can, has, and will most likely to continue to blow up in my face from time to time, but I wouldn’t want it any other way. The way I see it, every time something unplanned or unexpected happens, I’m being given one hell of an opportunity. The gods themselves are reaching down to me, tapping me on the shoulder, and saying “Here son, you see that party bus over there on the other side of the street? Go have yourself a seat inside and see where it takes you,”. (True story, lets just say spring break was great even though I was not able to go to the Meek Mill concert it wound up driving to) Stories like these are ones I’ll be able to look back on as an old man and tell my grandkids without a regret in the world. A life filled with regret is one not worth living. Having the ability to look back on my life knowing I lived it the best way I could is something that has always been extremely important to me.
Image result for adventure

My obsession with the unordinary drives me to constantly explore new places. I want to see everything and do everything basically all the time. This drive causes me to constantly plan new trips with my friends to unseen places such as big cities down to even just a new restaurant that supposedly has a good sandwich. The potential for something exciting to happen is always at your fingertips and I strive to maximize the potential for something unexpected to happen. I find that this can help make even the most uneventful of days more exciting.

I have always lived my life with the mentality that any given moment could be your last. An obsession for adventure and excitement has helped me create a non-stop plethora of unexpected moments in which I’ve created a wonderful memory. Living my life to its absolute fullest will always be a main priority of mine and obsessing over making the next great chapter in the story of my life will help to ensure that I accomplish just that.

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