STEP 1. Uncloak only the finest of vessels going by
the name of Wonder Bread classic white bread and remove 2 (or 4 if you’ve already
reached and surpassed super advanced crafting status in the PB&J making field
and wish to make a “double decker”) magically fluffy slices of bread. Proceed
to ever-so gently lay them next to each other (FACE UP NOT DOWN THERE IS A
DIFFERENCE) on a plate of any form.
STEP 2. After the completion of step one, take both
your Skippy brand peanut butter (Chunky is preferred in my opinion but you’re
only slightly crazy if you choose smooth) and S’muckers brand grape jelly receptacles
and place them next to the plate cradling previously said magically fluffy
slices of Wonder Bread classic white bread. VERY CAREFULLY remove the sealed receptacle
lids and place them bottom up in a safe, contaminant free area. Now this is
where the magic really starts to happen.
OF LIFE” (song from the Lion King)
STEP 4. Now that the stage is properly set for the
birth of your very own beautiful angiosperm based love sandwich, take a clean
butter knife and gently remove some of the quasi-liquid gold inside the Skippy receptacle.
Take this precious substance and slowly spread it across the top side of your
left slice of magically fluffy bread. Do so as if you’re shaving your own face.
This is a very delicate process and could ultimately make or break the overall
substance of your sandwich. Without the proper pressure being consistently exerted
on said sandwich during the spreading phase of its creation it could ultimately
suffocate the breads pores and suffocate the entire thing, thus rendering your
buttery slices utterly useless.
STEP 6. Just like in step 5 where you, very properly,
demonstrated your ability to not only butter your sandwich but also, love and take
tender care of your sandwich during its creation, you will be repeating this
same process with your S’muckers grape jelly. Remove approximately 5/8ths the
amount of jelly from its receptacle compared to the peanut butter. This butter
to jelly ratio has undergone years of tests and trial in order to prove its
ability to truly render the best PB&J sandwich there is. TRUST ME ITS
DELICOUS. Remember your training, slow and safe wins the race. This magically
fluffy slice of Wonder Bread classic white bread isn’t gonna jelly itself but it’s
also not going anywhere. It wants you to jelly it. Just do it properly. Tearing
a piece of paper along its perforated line is a good hand speed rate to compare
this procedure to. 
FINALE. You’re now officially on the cusp of accomplishing true greatness. But,
before you can enter the legendary food gardens of virtue, you must complete
one last step. EVERY SO GENTLY BUT ALSO QUITE EPICALLY, raise your two glorious
slices of magically fluffy Wonder Bread classic white bread smeared to
perfection with the exact amount of required grocery store sauce and boldly clamp
them together. Sauce-side in of course.
STEP 7. QUICKLY WITH GREAT HASTE continue to place
this now infant of a masterpiece into the microwave and heat on high for
approximately 22 seconds. This is an extremely vital step in the creation of
your sandwich as all organisms need to feel the warmth of their mothers and or
fathers love at some point in order to be truly happy. Now that you have
officially completed this step you have truly reached the promised land of
elementary level food production. You now may freely call yourself a master
chef in the tri-ingredient complex sandwich birthing industry.
STEP 8. Now that you have finished basking in your
glory for a moment and have returned to the realization that you are still, in
fact, quite famished and require the delicious sustenance that your creation
can provide, it is time for you to mightily hold up your salacious vessel of
glory, let out on last very loud “VIIIIICCCTTOOORRYYYYY” and divulge yourself
in your bountiful creation. (so, eat it)
YES, YOU DID IT. I hope you have now grown to
appreciate the creation process of the legendary PB&J as much as I do. This
has always been a favorite food of mine as it is very pairable with other foods
thus making it a regular for me when it’s time to eat. Cherish this skill as it
will treat you well whenever you get hungry and need a quick snack. I know I will
as having the ability to provide food for myself proves yet to be one of the most
underrated gifts our lives have bestowed upon us.
Reilly, this post is hilarious! Step 3 killed me. I think you succeeded in achieving a voice even within a how-to entry which engaged me as a reader. The words you choice played a large part along with the content in making your post really interesting. The next time I make a PB&J sandwich I shall do it your way; I expect the best PB&J I've ever eaten.
ReplyDeletevIIICCCCTTOOOOORRRY will forever be admired, Johnny bananas is a beast. Funny ass post man I didn't think PBJ could get easier but now I know the best way to make one. Good job with simba getting in there too